Dec Receipt

This contribution was affected by Markandey, Nimisha, Saurabh, Dr. Somsundar Mukhopadhyay and Amrendra.

Dec Newsletter

This month's activity details in Shiksha Sopan centers around kanpur.

November '09 Receipt

This contribution was effected jointly by
Dr. Somsunder Mukhopadhyay, Markandey M. Tripathi,
Saurabh Dayal, Nimisha Srivastav and Amrendra Narayan.

Newsletter November '09

This last month, the Science cell of Shiksha Sopan organized an exhibition on the request of IAPT (Indian Association of Physics Teachers) in CSJM University.

The month was also full of activity due to the birthday celebrations of our great leaders Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri, followed by a trip to Chitrakoot organized to infuse social and moral values in our volunteers.
It was also followed by Diwali celebrations.

October 2009 Receipt

The contribution was affected by Dr. Somsundar Mukhopadhya, Saurabh Dayal, Nimisha Srivastav, Markandey M. Tripathi and Amrendra.

October Newsletter '09

Shiksha Sopan October 2009 Newsletter

Sept '09 Receipt

This was jointly affected by Saurabh Dayal, Dr. Somsundar Mukhopadhyay, Markandey M. Tripathi, Nimisha Srivastav and A. Narayan.

Receipt August

The receipt of August had Saurabh, Markandey, Nimisha and Amrendra as its contributors.

Newsletter August

July Receipt

this is the receipt for the month of July.
I'm sorry for the dealy in posting the receipt for the months of June and July.

cheers to all of us for our participation

July Receipt

The receipt for a part of the contribution (Rs 575) from the MSU ISA member, has been made separately and will be posted to an address in India ... as requested by the donar (Dr. Somsundar Mukhopadhyay) .

Newsletter July '09

this month was again full of fun activities filled with educational experiences for children.

June '09 Newsletter

May '09 Receipt

I want to welcome Dr. Somsunder who is a new post-doc student at Mississippi State University for joining this team of contribution.

We call him with love as 'Som Da'

this contribution of this month was jointly done by Som da, Saurabh Dayal, Markandey Tripathi, Nimisha, Amrendra.

May '09 Newsletter

Receipt April Contribution

This contribution was made jointly by Markandey, Peeyush, Saurabh, Nimisha and Amrendra.

by mistake the receipt was signed to the name of a single donor.

April '09 Newsletter

March '09 Newsletter

February '09 Newsletter

Receipt of March Contribution

This is the reciept for the March Contribution made jointly by Saurabh, Nimisha, Markandey, Peeyush and Amrendra

We see continued development at the end of shiksha sopan by the support.

Receipt for Feb Contribution

... this is the scanned copy of the receipt of February contribution.

I want to take this oppurtunity to inform that we have got Peeyush Sahay as a contributor in the team of contributors for Shiksha Sopan.

more details can be found in the list of active donars

Receipt of January Contribution

Hello Friends, this is the receipt of contribution of January.
Infact, I was in India during December, so I made the transfer for December as well as January in January itself. as is clear from the dates

Receipt of December Contribution

I just realized that I had not uploaded the receipts of several months of contribution.

Please forgive me for the same.


January 2009 Newsletter

in the new year, Shiksha Sopan will organise its Annual Function.

Please take some time out of your schedule to read through this community effort.


December 2008 Newsletter

Hi Friends,
please take a little time to read through this newsletter