Contribution Receipt (Jan 2012 to Mar 2012)

Attached is the receipt for contribution made from January to March 2012. 
It was jointly affected by Nimisha Srivastava, Saurabh Dayal and Amrendra Narayan.

August 2012 Newsletter

The month of July kept the Sopan volunteers busy preparing for the upcoming academic year since we set the goals and planned our activities for the year. Four French students visited along with one student from Ohio University, and participated in Sopan activities during this period.
A section of Sopan students spent some time making Rakhi, along with making Science Kit for rural schools.

Please click on the following link to read the full August 2012 newsletter . Feedback and comments would be appreciated.

July 2012 Newsletter

Sopan Vidyalya were closed because of Summer vacation during this month. The summer camp of Pratibha Poshan Yojna culminated this month. We also published the results for the Gahan Adhyayan Kendra. We also represented Shiksha Sopan at the Senior Resource Meet of HBCSE Mumbai which among other things prepares the Indian team for International Science Olympiads.

Please click on the following link to read the full July 2012 Newsletter

June 2012 Newsletter

The Summer Camp of Pratibha Poshan Yojna for senior children was the focus of activities during the month of May. The National Workshop of Physics Teachers hosted at IIT kanpur also saw involvement from Sopan volunteers.

Please click the link below to read the full newsletter for June 2012. Your comments and feedback would be appreciated.