February 2012 Newsletter

Shiksha Sopan hosted a couple of competition on the occasion of its annual function of on January 8. The following week had games-day (khel-divas) , social-awareness-rallies along with several competitions with participation from over 200 students. There were events which villagers from around were also positively affected.

In January, we had a republic-day celebration at Sopan center. Since we transitioned to Spring (Vasant), there was a special hawan organized for sopan students.

January 2012 Newsletter

With this edition, Sopan Newsletter has completed 4 years. All 48 issues were brought out without any discontinuity and all are present at our website www.shiksha-sopan.org giving a history of this initiative.

We are thankful to all volunteers for taking this initiative this far and to all our readers. Please click on the title above to see the entire newsletter. It has been uploaded to Google docs this time.